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Mail Merge Toolkit

Mail Merge Toolkit

Current version: 7.1

Mail Merge Toolkit is a powerful add-in for Microsoft Office extending the mail merging capabilities in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher. This app allows you to realize really personalized mass mailing easily and efficiently by providing a set of requested and unique features:

Personalize email subject

As soon as you need to personalize part of the message subject or the whole subject line, you need Mail Merge Toolkit. Insert data fields into the message subject, so that not only the contents of a message but also its subject is personalized.

The email subject personalization guide is available as a separate article.

Mail Merge with attachments

As soon as Mail Merge Toolkit is installed, you can attach files to the message. Perform the mail merge the same way as you do it usually and click the "Mail Merge Toolkit" option on the last step of the "Step by step wizard" in Microsoft Word to specify the necessary attachments.

Read the article about mail merging with attached files for all the details.

Send personal attachments in mass email

Mail Merge Toolkit offers a way to send personal attachments. You just need to specify the path to the file in a separate column in the data source (Excel spreadsheet, CSV, database, etc.) and enter the name of this field instead of the attachments in the Mail Merge Toolkit.

See how it works in this short video - Mail Merge with personal attachments.

Send personalized PDF files

Microsoft Word Mail Merge allows you to personalize HTML messages, but what if you need to send it as a PDF? Try Mail Merge Toolkit, the only way to create and send personalized PDF files with a few clicks. You just need a select "PDF attachment" in the message format and fill in the text which will be displayed in the message body.

This feature is described in the article Mail Merge with PDF attachments in Outlook.

Mail Merge with password-protected PDF and DOCX Attachments

When sending personalized documents, you can protect secure files with a password. This feature prevents unauthorized users from accessing, copying, editing, and printing sensitive data. Encrypt documents with a single password or different individual ones.

See an example in this short video: Password-protected PDF in Mail Merge.

Change From in Mail Merge

Change Sender's Email Address

Before sending messages, you can change the sender in the From field. When having multiple Outlook accounts, you can choose different emails. Moreover, you mail merge send as someone else if you were granted Send As or Send on Behalf of another Microsoft 365 or Exchange mailbox permissions.

Add CC in Mail Merge

Multiple recipients per email, add CC, BCC fields

When messages need to be sent to more than one email address, you can specify multiple recipients separated with semicolon in your data source or in the TO field directly. Additionally, you add CC and BCC recipients the same way as in regular Outlook messages.

Google Analytics for Mail Merge

Track clicks in email campaigns with UTM parameters

Measuring email campaign performance is an essential feature for bulk mailing. Mail Merge Toolkit allows adding UTM codes to links and tracking clicks in Google Analytics and similar services. This tells you what emails are driving traffic to your site and helps reach out to people in the most effective way.

Choose the email format you need

Send messages to multiple recipients in PDF, DOCX, HTML, Plain text and RTF formats directly from Microsoft Word.

Do a Mail Merge by a SharePoint List

If the data source with the message recipients data stored in a List on Microsoft SharePoint Server, the Mail Merge Toolkit offers you a way to get data from these lists and use it for mail merging! You do not need to ask your SharePoint Administrator to install something on the server and you do not need to allow the exporting of the list to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Just use the Mail Merge Toolkit to perform your mailing by getting the data from a known and constant source.

This feature is described in the article How to do Mail Merge with SharePoint lists.

Secure Mail Merge Data

Is it safe to use? How secure is my data?

When choosing between email marketing tools, data security is one of the main concerns. With Mail Merge Toolkit your mail lists, message content and attachments are safe and secure. The product is designed as an extension for built-in Microsoft Office features in such a way, that all operations are performed locally within your environment. There are no additional 3rd party servers or services involved, and no data is being transferred to our side in any way.

The Mail Merge Toolkit dialogue looks very similar to the standard Microsoft Office box "Merge to Electronic Mail". In that box, like in the standard one, you can choose the data field containing recipient addresses, set message subject (btw, in Mail Merge Toolkit you can use automatic data field insertion like in a document text), set the format, and choose files to be attached to each message if necessary.


Mail Merge Toolkit ordering information

Mail Merge Toolkit is offered in two editions: Standard and Professional. Select the necessary edition based on the list of features displayed below.

Mail Merge Toolkit PRO and Standard feature comparison
Professional Standard:
Personalized email subject
Attachments sending
Personal attachments
Personalized PDF in attachment
Personalized DOCX in attachment
Password-protect PDF and DOCX attachments
Send As, Send on Behalf permissions support for Microsoft 365 and Exchange mailboxes
Delay or schedule sending
Batch delivery
Request Delivery, Read Receipts
Digital signature and message encryption in selected campaigns
Open rate tracking in Google Analytics
SharePoint List as a data source for merging
Send messages in HTML
Send messages in RTF
Send messages in Plain Text
No Outlook security issues
Emailing with image map

Additional information

Mail merge in MS Word 2016, 2013
How to do mail merge in ms word
How to mail merge in Microsoft Word (2003, XP)

Frequently Asked Questions about mail merging add-in for Microsoft Outlook

Question: Every time I try to send a mail merge with a party CC'd it seems to add an additional CC to my mailmerge. Do you know if there is a way to correct this?

Answer: Our Mail Merge Outlook Toolkit software works as follows: according to the number of e-mail addresses in the "To:" field, Mail Merge Toolkit generates personal messages for every single recipient (as many messages as many recipients in the "To:" field), and then, places all those individual messages into Outlook Outbox. I.e. only "To:" field matters for generating a single personal message. That means, if your original, "source" message contains addresses in the "CC" or "BCC" field - every message generated for a single "To:"-recipient will contain all these addresses in those secondary fields, so, therefore, a (blind) copy of every message sent to a single "To:"-recipient will be also sent to the secondary recipients (specified in "CC" and "BCC"). So, if you add e.g. 100 recipients into the "TO:" field, and a recipient into CC - your CC-recipient will get 100 message copies addressed to your 100 TO-recipients. This behavior is correct. Therefore, we usually strongly recommend our customers to avoid using the "CC" or "BCC" fields if mail merge feature is used.

Question: Does Mail Merge Toolkit enable me to send individualized attachments in the mail merge, so that each email contains a different attachment?

Answer: Yes, Mail Merge Outlook Toolkit will help you attach to your personalized messages unique attachments to unique recipients (or, also static files if needed). With Mail Merge Toolkit add-in, you can merge fields from different data sources, incl. Excel data files: all the opportunities of the native mail merge in Word are supported by our Mail Merge Toolkit since it is the extension of the regular Office Mail Merge feature. Its option appears in the last 6th step in Word, as an alternative towards the regular "Electronic Mail", if you follow Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard, and enables some additional features there. And you can send personalized attachments with this tool - a sample of such use with the Excel base is illustrated in this video tutorial.

Question: Is there a way to send from a non-primary email address? I sent a test email, but there was no option to change the "From" field before sending.

Answer: Our mail merge tool does not provide any possibility to edit the From field. But if you have several accounts in Outlook, or if you have several mail profiles in your system - Mail Merge Toolkit will display profile or account selection dialogue: if you close Outlook before mailing (and do not use Outlook Contacts as a data source) - you will get profile selection before the account selection. You can test with a separate account, or also with a separate mail profile. If you e.g. send through a POP3 account - Outlook will send a message with the address specified as the sender's address in your POP3 account settings. If you send using some specific Exchange feature (delegate access, or "send as", or "send on behalf") - your Exchange Server analyzes data in the From field and processes it according to the sender's permissions to send as the specified user. Please contact your mail server administrator for more details about using these features.

User Testimonials
This tool has reduced our workload time from 8 days to 8 hours. Easy to access. Loved it!!. Special thanks to the Sales team for supporting Nonprofit organizations for special discounts.

Prashanth Nampelli
The Deverakonda Foundation

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Related posts in company's blog

Mail Merge Toolkit: How secure is my data?
Mail Merge Toolkit is installed and runs locally on your PC. There are no additional 3rd party servers or services involved. This guarantees 100% privacy for email campaign content.

Mail Merge with Cc / Bcc using Word
Send Carbon or Blind Carbon Copy the same way as in regular Outlook messages. Just specify a specific address or a merge field as a secondary recipient.

Change sender email address in mail merge
Word sends mail merge emails using a default Outlook account and doesn`t offer an option to use different email accounts. This is where Mail Merge Toolkit comes to the rescue, offering full control over the FROM field.

Mail Merge with PDF attachments in Outlook
Mail Merge is one of the most efficient features in Microsoft Office: you can design your document in Word, with smart text formatting, fonts and images – and send your text in individual...

How to customize the subject line in Mail Merge Toolkit for Outlook
The customizing your message subject line can enable a whole new layer of quality mass mailing – which is always handy, and sometimes critical, since in some scenarios a subject line is even more important than the body of the letter itself.

Mail merge with attachments in Outlook
One of the most important and welcome additions has been the inclusion of the individual attachments in Mail Merge. Mail Merge with attachments opens even more possibilities to conduct business correspondence precisely and competently...

Mail Merge with password-protected PDF and DOCX attachments
Secure PDF and DOCX attachments with passwords, to prevent unauthorized users from accessing, copying, editing, and printing sensitive data.

Throttle and delay email campaigns
Control the number of outgoing messages during a specified period. Set a limit for emails: a size, a pause between batches, and schedule the sending start.

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Learn how to use the Mail Merge feature in Microsoft Word to send personalized email messages by using a list of recipients stored in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

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You are here: Home / Add-ins for Microsoft Outlook / Mail Merge Toolkit
Mail Merge Toolkit Current version: 7.1

Mail Merge Toolkit

Mail Merge Toolkit is a powerful add-in for Microsoft Office extending the mail merging capabilities in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher. This app allows you to realize really personalized mass mailing easily and efficiently by providing a set of requested and unique features:

Personalize email subject

As soon as you need to personalize part of the message subject or the whole subject line, you need Mail Merge Toolkit. Insert data fields into the message subject, so that not only the contents of a message but also its subject is personalized.

The email subject personalization guide is available as a separate article.

Mail Merge with attachments

As soon as Mail Merge Toolkit is installed, you can attach files to the message. Perform the mail merge the same way as you do it usually and click the "Mail Merge Toolkit" option on the last step of the "Step by step wizard" in Microsoft Word to specify the necessary attachments.

Read the article about mail merging with attached files for all the details.

Send personal attachments in mass email

Mail Merge Toolkit offers a way to send personal attachments. You just need to specify the path to the file in a separate column in the data source (Excel spreadsheet, CSV, database, etc.) and enter the name of this field instead of the attachments in the Mail Merge Toolkit.

See how it works in this short video - Mail Merge with personal attachments.

Send personalized PDF files

Microsoft Word Mail Merge allows you to personalize HTML messages, but what if you need to send it as a PDF? Try Mail Merge Toolkit, the only way to create and send personalized PDF files with a few clicks. You just need a select "PDF attachment" in the message format and fill in the text which will be displayed in the message body.

This feature is described in the article Mail Merge with PDF attachments in Outlook.

Mail Merge with password-protected PDF and DOCX Attachments

When sending personalized documents, you can protect secure files with a password. This feature prevents unauthorized users from accessing, copying, editing, and printing sensitive data. Encrypt documents with a single password or different individual ones.

See an example in this short video: Password-protected PDF in Mail Merge.

Change From in Mail Merge

Change Sender's Email Address

Before sending messages, you can change the sender in the From field. When having multiple Outlook accounts, you can choose different emails. Moreover, you mail merge send as someone else if you were granted Send As or Send on Behalf of another Microsoft 365 or Exchange mailbox permissions.

Add CC in Mail Merge

Multiple recipients per email, add CC, BCC fields

When messages need to be sent to more than one email address, you can specify multiple recipients separated with semicolon in your data source or in the TO field directly. Additionally, you add CC and BCC recipients the same way as in regular Outlook messages.

Google Analytics for Mail Merge

Track clicks in email campaigns with UTM parameters

Measuring email campaign performance is an essential feature for bulk mailing. Mail Merge Toolkit allows adding UTM codes to links and tracking clicks in Google Analytics and similar services. This tells you what emails are driving traffic to your site and helps reach out to people in the most effective way.

Choose the email format you need

Send messages to multiple recipients in PDF, DOCX, HTML, Plain text and RTF formats directly from Microsoft Word.

Do a Mail Merge by a SharePoint List

If the data source with the message recipients data stored in a List on Microsoft SharePoint Server, the Mail Merge Toolkit offers you a way to get data from these lists and use it for mail merging! You do not need to ask your SharePoint Administrator to install something on the server and you do not need to allow the exporting of the list to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Just use the Mail Merge Toolkit to perform your mailing by getting the data from a known and constant source.

This feature is described in the article How to do Mail Merge with SharePoint lists.

Secure Mail Merge Data

Is it safe to use? How secure is my data?

When choosing between email marketing tools, data security is one of the main concerns. With Mail Merge Toolkit your mail lists, message content and attachments are safe and secure. The product is designed as an extension for built-in Microsoft Office features in such a way, that all operations are performed locally within your environment. There are no additional 3rd party servers or services involved, and no data is being transferred to our side in any way.

The Mail Merge Toolkit dialogue looks very similar to the standard Microsoft Office box "Merge to Electronic Mail". In that box, like in the standard one, you can choose the data field containing recipient addresses, set message subject (btw, in Mail Merge Toolkit you can use automatic data field insertion like in a document text), set the format, and choose files to be attached to each message if necessary.

Download Trial Version

You can download free trial version (58339 KB) of Mail Merge Toolkit and test it before purchasing:

Primary Download
Secondary Download

Ordering Information

In unregistered versions, the number of addresses the message is sent to using Mail Merge Toolkit cannot exceed 50 and the trial period is limited to 30 days. You can order the fully licensed version of Mail Merge Toolkit over the Internet with any major credit card.


Mail Merge Toolkit ordering information

Mail Merge Toolkit is offered in two editions: Standard and Professional. Select the necessary edition based on the list of features displayed below.

Comparison of Mail Merge Toolkit features
PRO edition features Standard
Personalized email subject
Attachments sending
Personal attachments
Personalized PDF in attachment
Personalized DOCX in attachment
Password-protect PDF and DOCX attachments
Send As, Send on Behalf permissions support for Microsoft 365 and Exchange mailboxes
Delay or schedule sending start
Batch delivery (Throttling)
Request Delivery, Read Receipts
Digital signature and message encryption in selected campaigns
UTM codes to track clicks in Google Analytics
SharePoint List as a data source for merging
Send messages in HTML
Send messages in RTF
Send messages in Plain Text
No Outlook security issues
Emailing with image map
$ 2.50

billed annually

Subscribe now
$ 8.25

billed annually

Subscribe now
  • Annual subscription within manual- or auto-renewal - by your choice
  • All updates and technical support are included
  • Multi-user discounts are available on a checkout page

* If you are interested in purchasing more than 100-user license, volume prices are available here.

User testimonials
This product made attaching personalized PDF's to a mailout super simple. It's a great product.

Cherelyn Gillson

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Related posts in company's blog

Mail Merge Toolkit: How secure is my data?
Mail Merge Toolkit is installed and runs locally on your PC. There are no additional 3rd party servers or services involved. This guarantees 100% privacy for email campaign content.


Mail Merge with Cc / Bcc using Word
Send Carbon or Blind Carbon Copy the same way as in regular Outlook messages. Just specify a specific address or a merge field as a secondary recipient.


Change sender email address in mail merge
Word sends mail merge emails using a default Outlook account and doesn`t offer an option to use different email accounts. This is where Mail Merge Toolkit comes to the rescue, offering full control over the FROM field.


Mail Merge with PDF attachments in Outlook
Mail Merge is one of the most efficient features in Microsoft Office: you can design your document in Word, with smart text formatting, fonts and images – and send your text in individual...


How to customize the subject line in Mail Merge Toolkit for Outlook
The customizing your message subject line can enable a whole new layer of quality mass mailing – which is always handy, and sometimes critical, since in some scenarios a subject line is even more important than the body of the letter itself.


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