Mail Merge in Outlook

How to customize the subject line in Mail Merge Toolkit for Outlook

Once you have used the acclaimed Word Mail Merge feature over the course of your mailing duties, whether daily or infrequently – there is no turning back. Literally, no other out-of-the-box Microsoft Office tool offers you so many benefits for mass mailing with so little mouse-clicking involved and with such vast improvement of almost every aspect of the resulting letters. Its renowned personalization possibilities utilize the so-called “macros” (a placeholder word that exists only to be replaced with an actual recipient-specific value from a datasource). The product’s versatility and overall ease of use have secured it a firm place among the top-flight productivity tools for professionals in the field.

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How to send group emails in Outlook

Have you ever gotten emails with hundred recipients in the “To” field? What did you think about sender of such messages? Didn’t you feel irritated that the sender did not take the time to send you an individual message? Do you just delete such messages as spam? Of course, the alternative is sending a message with all the recipients in the BCC field so that they do not see each other, but that is not much better, as recipients usually simply ignore anything that is not addressed personally. On top of that,  spam filters are perfectly capable not only of sending the message to the Junk Mail folder, but also blocking the sender.

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Mail Merge with PDF attachments in Outlook

Updated on November 4, 2021

Mail Merge is one of the most efficient features in Microsoft Office: you can design your document in Word, with smart text formatting, fonts, and images – and send your text in individual messages via Outlook. You can use Outlook Contacts, or an external data file (Excel, Access, .csv, or a text file) as your recipient data source, and add fields from your data file into your message text to personalize your message. The regular Mail Merge feature in Word allows you to select 3 formats: HTML-message, Plain Text, or attach your individual document to messages.

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Mail Merge in Word

Here we come to the origin of one of the most successful Microsoft Office productivity features – Mail Merge, in Word 2003 – an equally one of the most successful and popular Office installments by a wide margin. Mail Merge in Word took an impressive start by appearing on this platform after its birthplace – Word 2002 (of ‘Office XP’, released in 2001).

Office 2003 is now officially no longer supported by its parent, but, despite this fact, and despite it being somewhat outdated (in comparison to the more modern Microsoft Office installments released over the years) both interface-, security- and feature-wise, many people who still own the license use it and prefer it over the rest of the ‘Office’ family. For these people, and professionals who have to use the feature in Word 2003 over the line of duty, we will explain how to use the Mail Merge in MS Word 2003, thus continuing our series of articles which describe the Word Mail Merge feature.

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Mail merge from Excel spreadsheet data

Have you ever had to send out similar messages to a substantial number of recipients with just a few slight alterations in the body and the subject of the message? Have you ever had to deploy a personalized marketing campaign or send special offers to your most loyal customers so that any of them would feel truly special? Then you might have probably made use of the mail merge technology, or, at least have heard of it. In a nutshell, mail merge works as an inverse template or, rather, super-template, when, instead of using the same template to create similar messages over and over again, a user creates just one template with a number of placeholders which propagates itself across all the messages adding specific values for each recipient from a pre-set database, such as the recipient’s email address, first name, date, price, city or position.

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Mail merge in Outlook 2007

As you may know, the famous Mail Merge Outlook function that Microsoft introduced more than a decade ago has endured almost every iteration of the Microsoft Office family. Today, we are going to describe its use in Microsoft Office 2007.

Mail Merge in Outlook 2007 works the same as in other Microsoft Office family releases and targets the same goal: the creation of convenient and efficient mass mailings with some degree of personalization while drastically improving the work process for the people in the field. It allows creation of bulk email letters to each individual on a mailing list, using a single message / Word document, by employing “Macros”, which serve as placeholders for data taken from an external “data-source” and are replaced by the actual values when the messages are generated.

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What is Mail Merge in Outlook and how to do Mail Merge better

In 2001 Microsoft introduced, among many other things, an invaluable productivity improvement to its Office suite (Microsoft Office 2002 at the time), that would raise the industry standard for professionals involved with a job that requires frequent email correspondence with a large client base for many years to come. Microsoft named its new feature “Mail Merge” – a welcome addition to the Microsoft Word application, which would allow a user to take an entirely different approach to communicating across a broad client base.

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