outlook mass mailing

A detailed comparison of merging features in Office built-in mail merge and Mail Merge Toolkit editions

In 2018, MAPILab released a new edition of our extremely popular mail merging app – Mail Merge Toolkit Professional. This edition contains some features which are the most desirable for corporate mailings. So there are 3 different solutions that can cover user requests regarding personalized emails distribution with Microsoft Outlook, Word and Publisher.

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Top Outlook add-ins from MAPILab to increase your daily productivity

Surely, active users of Outlook appreciate its vast range of features. However, they are pretty well aware of its limitations, too. To overcome these limitations, it is often enough to install a couple of well-integrated third-party add-ins, for instance, MAPILab ones. For you to make the most of your Outlook, we are offering this brief overview of our most useful tools.

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How to customize the subject line in Mail Merge Toolkit for Outlook

Once you have used the acclaimed Word Mail Merge feature over the course of your mailing duties, whether daily or infrequently – there is no turning back. Literally, no other out-of-the-box Microsoft Office tool offers you so many benefits for mass mailing with so little mouse-clicking involved and with such vast improvement of almost every aspect of the resulting letters. Its renowned personalization possibilities utilize the so-called “macros” (a placeholder word that exists only to be replaced with an actual recipient-specific value from a datasource). The product’s versatility and overall ease of use have secured it a firm place among the top-flight productivity tools for professionals in the field.

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How to send group emails in Outlook

Have you ever gotten emails with hundred recipients in the “To” field? What did you think about sender of such messages? Didn’t you feel irritated that the sender did not take the time to send you an individual message? Do you just delete such messages as spam? Of course, the alternative is sending a message with all the recipients in the BCC field so that they do not see each other, but that is not much better, as recipients usually simply ignore anything that is not addressed personally. On top of that,  spam filters are perfectly capable not only of sending the message to the Junk Mail folder, but also blocking the sender.

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Distribution of mass email in Outlook

If you use Microsoft Office for business purposes and your responsibilities include frequent communication with partners and customers, sending mass email from Outlook may be a part of your daily or, at least, weekly or monthly routine. Within the organization, mass email with Outlook is normally performed through internal distribution lists including members of certain departments or subdivisions. However, when it comes to mailing customers or partners, the list of recipients can grow excessively long, making your message rather bulky. Moreover, the recipient sees all other addresses in the TO or CC field; and they sometimes are not only irrelevant, but present some information you might prefer not to disclose.

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What is Mail Merge in Outlook and how to do Mail Merge better

In 2001 Microsoft introduced, among many other things, an invaluable productivity improvement to its Office suite (Microsoft Office 2002 at the time), that would raise the industry standard for professionals involved with a job that requires frequent email correspondence with a large client base for many years to come. Microsoft named its new feature “Mail Merge” – a welcome addition to the Microsoft Word application, which would allow a user to take an entirely different approach to communicating across a broad client base.

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Mail merge with attachments in Outlook

Updated on June 10, 2024

Learn how to perform a mail merge with attachments in Outlook:

Native mail merge with attachments in Outlook

If you work in Microsoft Office and sometimes need to send out large, personalized mailings, you probably know that the basic package provides the essential means to achieve this task. The Mail Merge feature, introduced in Word 2002, has proven to be an invaluable tool for performing this type of business correspondence for a stupendous number of people.

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Personalized mailing from Outlook

Composing a personalized email in Outlook has always been one of the most effective and refined ways of conducting daily business with a large number of email recipients. This article will show you how to send personalized mail in Outlook using a couple of handy add-ins for the Microsoft Office suite.

Outlook’s personalized messages allow you to have a single task-specific email message or a text document which can be sent to any number of recipients and contain individual details in any field of the resulting message. This is called “personalized email message” or “personalized mass mailing” in Outlook’s context.

A basic example for sending personalized mass mail in Outlook would be any scenario involving a large number of known recipients who are going to receive roughly the same letter. Job-hunting candidates, corporate clientele, staff members, school reunion participants, marriage guests – all these people obviously have different first and last names, home addresses and other individual information.

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